/* * @(#)StandardDrawing.java 5.1 * */ package CH.ifa.draw.standard; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.Drawing; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.DrawingChangeEvent; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.DrawingChangeListener; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.Figure; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.FigureChangeEvent; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.FigureEnumeration; import CH.ifa.draw.framework.Handle; /** * The standard implementation of the Drawing interface. * * @see Drawing */ public class StandardDrawing extends CompositeFigure implements Drawing { /** * the registered listeners */ private transient Vector fListeners; /** * boolean that serves as a condition variable * to lock the access to the drawing. * The lock is recursive and we keep track of the current * lock holder. */ private transient Thread fDrawingLockHolder = null; /* * Serialization support */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2602151437447962046L; private int drawingSerializedDataVersion = 1; /** * Constructs the Drawing. */ public StandardDrawing() { super(); fListeners = new Vector(2); } /** * Adds a listener for this drawing. */ public void addDrawingChangeListener(DrawingChangeListener listener) { fListeners.addElement(listener); } /** * Removes a listener from this drawing. */ public void removeDrawingChangeListener(DrawingChangeListener listener) { fListeners.removeElement(listener); } /** * Adds a listener for this drawing. */ public Enumeration drawingChangeListeners() { return fListeners.elements(); } /** * Removes the figure from the drawing and releases it. */ public synchronized Figure remove(Figure figure) { // ensure that we remove the top level figure in a drawing if (figure.listener() != null) { figure.listener().figureRequestRemove(new FigureChangeEvent(figure, null)); return figure; } return null; } /** * Handles a removeFromDrawing request that * is passed up the figure container hierarchy. * @see FigureChangeListener */ public void figureRequestRemove(FigureChangeEvent e) { Figure figure = e.getFigure(); if (fFigures.contains(figure)) { fFigures.removeElement(figure); figure.removeFromContainer(this); // will invalidate figure figure.release(); } else System.out.println("Attempt to remove non-existing figure"); } /** * Invalidates a rectangle and merges it with the * existing damaged area. * @see FigureChangeListener */ public void figureInvalidated(FigureChangeEvent e) { if (fListeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fListeners.size(); i++) { DrawingChangeListener l = (DrawingChangeListener)fListeners.elementAt(i); l.drawingInvalidated(new DrawingChangeEvent(this, e.getInvalidatedRectangle())); } } } /** * Forces an update */ public void figureRequestUpdate(FigureChangeEvent e) { if (fListeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fListeners.size(); i++) { DrawingChangeListener l = (DrawingChangeListener)fListeners.elementAt(i); l.drawingRequestUpdate(new DrawingChangeEvent(this, null)); } } } /** * Return's the figure's handles. This is only used when a drawing * is nested inside another drawing. */ public Vector<Handle> handles() { Vector<Handle> handles = new Vector<Handle>(); handles.addElement(new NullHandle(this, RelativeLocator.northWest())); handles.addElement(new NullHandle(this, RelativeLocator.northEast())); handles.addElement(new NullHandle(this, RelativeLocator.southWest())); handles.addElement(new NullHandle(this, RelativeLocator.southEast())); return handles; } /** * Gets the display box. This is the union of all figures. */ public Rectangle displayBox() { if (fFigures.size() > 0) { FigureEnumeration k = figures(); Rectangle r = k.nextFigure().displayBox(); while (k.hasMoreElements()) r.add(k.nextFigure().displayBox()); return r; } return new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); } public void basicDisplayBox(Point p1, Point p2) { } /** * Acquires the drawing lock. */ public synchronized void lock() { // recursive lock Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); if (fDrawingLockHolder == current) return; while (fDrawingLockHolder != null) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } fDrawingLockHolder = current; } /** * Releases the drawing lock. */ public synchronized void unlock() { if (fDrawingLockHolder != null) { fDrawingLockHolder = null; notifyAll(); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { s.defaultReadObject(); fListeners = new Vector(2); } }